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Bryan Clover’s Ultra challenge for Rainy Day Trust

On 17th and 18th September 2021, Bryan Clover, CEO of the Rainy Day Trust will be enduring an Ultra challenge to hike from Bristol to London non-stop in 48 hours:

Brian said: “No sleep, no naps, nothing, and just to make it a bit more of a challenge, I’ll be doing it alone. That’s 84 miles carrying a massive amount of water and everything else that I will need along the way, only stopping to top up water. The pack will weigh in excess of 40lbs. Before the delightful virus, in 2018 I hiked 27 miles a day for a week along the cliff paths of Cornwall and in 2019 I hiked 53.4 miles in 24 hours, so decided to up the proverbial ante! #84in48”

“We will have photo stops along the way with sponsors to get the hike out there and raise awareness for the Charity and whichever businesses want to sponsor us in trade as well as local press. Dulux are already on board”.

The Rainy Day Trust is looking for major sponsors from all four of our main sectors:~

  • builders’ merchants and suppliers
  • DIY
  • housewares
  • garden centres.

Brian Clover: “Training has begun and we will get your brand in the public eye as training gets going. This is the single biggest challenge that I have ever undertaken and will test me to my core. If you want to be part of it, even if only to watch me fall in the canal, drop me an e-mail.

“My hope is that this will be the biggest fundraising event of 2021 for us and will help us to meet the ever-growing pressure for our help. So come on guys and gals, step up to the plate and get involved! Drop me an e-mail to discuss sponsorship”.

Bryan Clover FRSA
Chief Executive Officer
Rainy Day Trust
Tel: 01527 872545 Mob: 07939 541289

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