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Housewares opportunities at BHETA forum

Housewares opportunities at BHETA forum

BHETA’s next networking forum is to feature the latest news from Steamer Trading as well as a survey of other aspects of today’s housewares market.

The forum will be on Thursday November 9th November at 9.30am at Federation House.

The Steamer Trading presentation will be from Chairman, Ben Philips and new Chief Executive, Mark Saunders. They will be will be presenting their views on the current market, latest consumer trends, internet trading and outlining the future strategic direction and focus over the coming months. They will also be highlighting the opportunities for suppliers and how best they can benefit from developing their trading relationships with Steamer.

CESA (Catering Equipment Suppliers Association) Director, Keith Warren will be presenting an overview of the foodservice sector and market, including the number of outlets by sector, the reseller/distributor structure and key influences on the sale of products. He will also be identifying the main players in the supply of product and discussing how suppliers can to identify the best routes to market in terms of exhibitions and events.

Eric Churet of SEDEX will be providing the background on this global organisation that prides itself on the being the home of world’s largest collaborative platform for sharing sourcing data on supply chains. It is used by over 40,000 members in over 150 countries. Increasingly retailers will only stock products that have been sourced through a supply chain that meets all current standards in relation to labour rights, health and safety, the environment and business ethics and endorsement from SEDEX can make the difference between listing or no listing.

CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) – Susan Oxley – CMA Project Director and Nadia Muhammad Principal Case Officer will outline the principle role of the CMA. The CMA is a government appointed body with wide ranging powers to promote free competition in all markets, and to act against and penalise any restrictive practice including distribution and pricing, which is against the interests of the public.

BHETA’s housewares sector director, Will Jones commented, “This is an excellent line up of speakers specifically chosen to highlight opportunities in the industry and stimulate debate on a number of current key issues. I will also be taking the opportunity to provide an update on the latest BHETA developments and initiatives including an update on the Amazon post-event member survey.”

Refreshments will be provided on the day, including a networking lunch. Applications to attend the forum should be made to Dawn Clarke of the Member Services Team on or 0121 237 1130.

Source: BHETA

October 2017

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