Exclusively Shows 2018 Seminar Program – Sponsored by BHETA, and hosted by Will Jones, BHETA Housewares Sector Director.
We are delighted to announce the Exclusively Show’s Seminars for 2018 with 5 speakers offering inspiration and new methods to take your business forward.
Will Jones – adds “BHETA are very proud to once again be sponsoring the Exclusively seminar programme. It is crucial that suppliers and retailers alike possess a clear understanding of the market and the latest fashions and trends. The excellent line-up of speakers for this year’s seminar programme will ensure that that the audience leave better informed and equipped to deliver relevant products and initiatives to stimulate the market“.
Wednesday 13th June 2018
10.30am – GFK, Kelly Whitwick
11.10am – Bira, Julie Holden
11.50am – Nett Visibility, Neil Curtis
12.30pm – Scarlet Opus, Phil Pond
13.10pm – Good Housekeeping, Laura Cohen
Find out more at https://www.exclusivelyshows.co.uk/sessions/
Source: BHETA 30 April 2018
April 2018