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BHETA’s first on-line training session, “one of the best I’ve attended”

BHETA held its first full-day virtual training workshop for members in June and received excellent feedback. Entitled “Crafting Compelling Content” the session was designed to provide formal training in one of the most overlooked and underdeveloped skills in most businesses: how to write good copy to sell products and brands.

The day-long workshop was delivered by two Managing Directors of BHETA Service Providers: Andrew Rastall, Managing Director of Brew; and Kate Murphy, Managing Director of Brookes & Co. The course was built on the foundations of two of BHETA’s most popular marketing webinars.

Eighteen colleagues from member companies attended the day which comprised six forty-five minute sessions made up of lectures and workshop exercises. The feedback was excellent. For example, a member from Rayware commented, “I was extremely impressed with the course and it delivered above and beyond my expectations.  There was a lot of information to digest, so having the decks to refer to was great.  I thought the presentation style from Andrew and Kate was superb.  A relaxed, confident delivery with an undertone of humour. All the information was relayed in a clear and concise manner.

“I would go as far as to say that this was one of the best training days I have attended”.

Kate Murphy said, “The course was designed for sales and marketing professionals who lack formal training in content-writing. It’s all too easy to produce good prose that’s also poor content. Great content-writing requires artistry, but the best results come when creativity is coupled to a set of principles built up over years of practical experience in marketing”.

Andrew Rastall said, “We aimed for the course to boost the trainees content-writing skills and provide an injection of experience to improve their written output immediately, based on live examples from the websites of the attendees companies”.

Steve Richardson said, “With on-line selling becoming vastly more important for members over the last twelve months we felt it was important to help members improve their copywriting skills, which is often key to maximising on-line conversion rates.

“This was a trial of a new format which we will definitely look to extend in the Autumn”.

If any member is interested in attending BHETA training courses and has a particular topic you think we should cover then please get in touch with Steve Richardson, Marketing Manager at BHETA, at

Kate Murphy is Managing Director of Brookes & Co, a marketing, PR and content agency specialising in the home improvement, garden and home enhancement sectors.  Kate is a keen writer of commercial and non-commercial content and a hands-on home and garden enthusiast.

Andrew Rastall, Managing Director of Brew, “has been turning copy into effective content since Zuckerberg was a kid”.  He runs Brew Digital, a digital marketing agency specialising in the home, leisure, veterinary and higher education sectors.

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