BHETA launches new ‘Surgery’ initiative
BHETA is launching a new peer-to-peer opportunity to share trading queries with fellow suppliers and take advice from senior personnel representing the different product categories across the various trade channels and sectors. Called BHETA Surgery, the first session is aimed at housewares suppliers and will take place after lunch at the next of BHETA’s popular forums on February 21st.
Suppliers will be invited ahead of the event to submit pertinent questions about the day to day running of their businesses. Typical queries might be about the best contacts at a particular retailer, how best to follow up queries with a trading partner, advice on export opportunities or the best response to a request for a change in trading terms.
All questions will be submitted to the BHETA Housewares Committee with a selection then discussed at the Surgery, which will only be open to BHETA members.
The Housewares Committee comprises: Richard Walker – Eddingtons (Chair), Will Jones – BHETA, Mark Baumann – Meyer Group, Tony Grimshaw – What More UK, Kate O’Neil – Rayware, Seema Bhogaita – The Cookware Company, Paul Shelley – Haus Marketing & Distribution, Mark Newbold – Metaltex, and Jane Mason – Le Creuset
For more information contact BHETA Member Services. Tel: 0121 237 1130
Source: BHETA
January 2018