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BHETA lobbying

One of BHETA’s roles is lobbying on behalf of its members, whether it’s dealing with problems or making the very most of opportunities.

This can include representing members’ interests in regard to trading terms, taking on government bodies in regard to proposed legislation, proposing sensible compromise solutions in disputes, representing the industry on contentious issues and pursuing mutual interests when opportunities arise.

Recent Lobbying highlights


Plastic Packaging Tax

BHETA persuaded HMRC to remove plastic bottles, storage boxes and lunchboxes from the Plastic Packaging Tax, saving our industry at least £50m, and our members a large tax bill, in many cases estimated at over £1m per company


Bladed Products and the OWA2019

BHETA lobbied on the Offensive Weapons Act 2019 and influenced the Government to remove items like secateurs, scissors and shears from the Act and persuaded the Home Office to provide at least three months notice to industry. BHETA established a Responsible Knife Retailing Steering Group involving over 40 retailers and suppliers, and has formed links with the Metropolitan Police and Trading Standards.

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Retail Engagement
  • BHETA lobbied various large retailers on new terms and disservice charges.
  • BHETA formed a part of HIMA’s pan-European campaign on retailer penalties.
  • BHETA challenged a large retailers over late payments to members.
  • BHETA lobbied a large retailer on dual labelling of products for sale in Northern Ireland

International Freight crisis

The Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) responded to our lobbying campaign to secure CMA intervention in the freight crisis to say it is now actively looking at the issue

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Learn how our lobbying services have helped our members

BHETA is a very experienced and effective lobbyist; having a co-ordinated and collective voice can be a vital asset to our members.




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