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Worknest Employment Law Update Webinar

Date(s) - 18/07/2024
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

BHETA is pleased to announce we will be hosting a webinar with Worknest on Thursday 18th July at 2:00pm, presented by Alice Brackenridge, Employment Law Adviser.

Employment Law Update | April changes and what lies ahead

2024 is shaping up to be a busy year for employment law.

From holiday pay to TUPE, protections for pregnant mothers to flexible working, a raft of new regulations are on their way – and some have already been brought into force at the start of the year.

To help you digest these developments and understand how they might impact your policies, procedures and staff training, our employment law experts are returning for another free one-hour webinar, where they will walk you through what’s new, what’s just around the corner, and what’s still to come.

During this one-hour live update webinar, Employment Law Adviser, Alice Brackenbridge, will guide you through the recent and upcoming employment law changes that will apply to all types of workplaces, including:

  • Reforms to holiday pay and entitlement: Get up to speed on recent developments, including the latest approved methods for calculating annual leave and holiday pay, the rules on carrying over untaken leave, and changes to record-keeping requirements.
  • Equality Act 2010 amendments: Learn more about the legislation which amends the Equality Act as of 1 January 2024, preserving certain EU-derived equality rights. These include establishing an equal pay comparator and upcoming changes that will strengthen the rules around sexual harassment.
  • Changes to family-friendly rights: Get up to speed with April 2024 changes to family-friendly rights, including extended redundancy protection for new parents, the introduction of a week’s unpaid leave for carers, and changes to statutory paternity pay. Plus, get a look ahead at what’s still to come, such as additional leave and pay for employees with children receiving neonatal care.
  • TUPE changes for small businesses: Hear about recent adjustments to consultation requirements, specifically pertaining to businesses with fewer than 50 employees and transfers involving fewer than 10 employees.
  • Flexible working developments: Get acquainted with the updates to flexible working which are due be implemented on 6 April 2024, and learn how this impacts (and doesn’t impact) the way requests are dealt with.
  • Other significant changes expected in 2024: Learn what lies ahead in employment law for the remainder of the year so that you can prepare well in advance and avoid any last-minute surprises that may compromise your compliance.

To register for the event, please follow the link below and if you have any questions, please contact Samantha in Member Services on


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